Photography Guidelines


For family, engagement, and bridal photography, no appointment, application, or fee will be required for use of the Capitol. Please note that photography or videography promoting a business or product is considered commercial photography and requires a submitted application with advance notice, insurance, and a fee. For all other photography and filming, please see R131-2-6, section 7 of the Facility Use Rules.

Please feel free to come to the Capitol any time during open hours. You may wish to check our calendar for major events taking place in the Rotunda or on the grounds.

During your photography session, please be aware of the following rules:

  • Photographers may only use areas as specified by the Capitol Preservation Board and are not permitted to photograph in the State Reception Room (Gold Room), House and Senate Chambers, Supreme Court, or other areas behind closed doors within the Capitol.
  • Photographers are responsible for damages incurred as a result of a photography session and will be responsible for repair costs should damage occur.
  • Photographers indemnify and hold harmless the State of Utah for damage or loss of equipment, and for accident or injury occurring during a photography session on Capitol premises.
  • Photographers may only use a camera and accessories that attach to the camera when taking pictures in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds. Use of other equipment, including equipment used for lighting and props, is considered commercial photography and requires a permit.
  • No equipment may be mounted or attached to Capitol property.
  • For commercial filming and photography, please see R131-2-6, section 7c, of the Facility Use Rules.

Please contact the Capitol Preservation Board office at 801-538-3074 to request more information.

Enjoy your visit!